Tired? Need an energy boost? Stressed? Anxious? Depressed? Want to be calm and relaxed? Looking for inner peace? Seeking a healthier body? Then yoga can help you. Yoga brings on a sense of well-being that helps us to live to our potential. Yoga offers so much to all people.
Asanas (postures which can be gentle or rigorous) build strength and flexibility.
Vinyasa (sequences and movements with the breath) stimulate the circulation yet steady the mind.
Pranayama (breath control) revitalises and rejuvenates the whole self.
Relaxation techniques help to eliminate tension.
Meditation refreshes and nourishes mind, body and spirit.
Yoga philosophy show us paths we can follow to help us live a fulfilling enriching life.
A continuous yoga practice can give you a steady supply of energy to help you deal with your daily responsibilities. Yoga can give you strategies to help you handle stress and anxiety and can be an invaluable aid to living with depression. In these turbulent times the ancient practices of yoga offer a means to inner peace and calm.